1. guilin has effectively trumped all of our expectations. the people here are insanely nice and everything is remarkably clean. all our preconceived notions/nightmares about diarhea, getting robbed etc were completely unfounded. in fact, they even vaccum seal all the silverware at restaurants!
2. Mcdonald's = fine dining experience. you know how in NY, the Mcdonalds are always the refuge of the homeless/crazy? not so here in guilin... all the kids go to Mcdonalds like it's mecca, and the place is immaculate and spotless. here is a photo of a typical mcdonalds promotional poster:
here we have a typical guilin cow, steroid'd up and taking it to the hole. MOOOve aside! all other players COWer in the face of this offense!
3. cute trumps all. you could make a mathematical equation that breaks down as this:
practicality goes straight out the window in Asia. Form will beat function every time, visible in basically any consumable product there is. Here, for example, is Johnny Law in his off-time, surrounded by literally a wall of cute:
TEASER! today we went to "Xiong San"...the bear and tiger mountain village:
Basically, Simon heard via some Aussie expats that we could pay money and watch a tiger slaughter a cow. When he heard this, we became singleminded in purpose and thought, our every action motivated by one guiding principle: WE MUST SEE A TIGER KILL A COW (and of course document it for our blog). Video to come, son!
What a relief to see that you found something good about China! Woody and Somon, you are both good writers. Keep on writing. On the other hand, I heard your concerns that you might have spent too much time bloging. Well. There is just not enough time in a day, isn't it? Just enjoy the experience, whether sightseeing or bloging.
vachina=awesome! keep it coming. you guys check out any indie music scenes out there? met any sirius fans?
woody, you are quite the skilled punner.
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