As you can see from the post production schedule, we still have plenty to do:
Please read our new blogs below. We will be back on the air in 24 hours. Thank you for your patience as we try to better serve you.
Teaser for the upcoming "cutest montage ever..."
oh TEASER!!!!!!!!!!!
You deserve rest.But, I will miss your blog.Because I read it every day,and I really enjoy it.You must see a lot pandas,hug him and be careful.
internet cafe kicked you out for reals?
must have blog! going through withdrawal...
Now,it is midnight,I know you need to rest.However,I still open your blog,just in case,you have some
new things coming,then I can be the first one to read it and to give a comment.I did't find new one, I feel disappointed.I think that your blog is very attractive to me,this is why I feel lost.Bye,Bye,I am going to bed.See you tomorrow.
vachina never rests.
Should have bought 2 iced coffee.
a gif(t) for your next entry.
hope your rest was nice. but hurry up and make with the bloggins again because ryan and i have already resorted to remembering the "old days"
"remember when they blogged about that guy with the cleaver?"
"that was so funny."
"i'm sad."
"me too."
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